
Responsibilities of our Team Members and Business Partners

At Old Town Van Lines, our representatives, members and business partners play a special role in our success. Network Members can be awarded the right to act on our behalf in certain cases, in dealing with the consumer, and be given access to our systems and confidential information.

These privileges also come with special responsibilities:

  • Network Members are expected to act with the highest standards of honesty, integrity, fair dealing and ethical conduct in all business dealings with or on behalf of the Old Town Van Lines.
  • Network Members are expected to operate their businesses in a competent manner and in full compliance with the law, all policies and procedures specified by Old Town Van Lines, and all customer agreements. Network Members are encouraged to communicate with Old Town Van Lines if they have issues with Old Town Van Lines policies, procedures or agreements; however, Network Members must comply with the law and these policies, procedures and agreements even if the Network Member disagrees with them.
  • Network Members are expected to preserve and enhance the reputation and the goodwill associated with the Old Town Van Lines. Any activities that may result in damage to the business reputation of Old Town Van Lines must be avoided.
  • Network Members are expected to keep complete and accurate records in their dealings with Old Town Van Lines, customers and other third parties on behalf of Old Town Van Lines. Information provided must be accurate and complete, and shall not be manipulated to meet performance requirements, win awards, or otherwise gain improper advantage.

Network Member Responsibilities

Network Members are encouraged to ask questions about their responsibilities under the Code, and are strongly encouraged to immediately report any unethical or illegal behavior.

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